Sunnybank Hotel 新利班酒店

Project Overview

Location: 275 McCullough Street, Sunnybank, QLD 4109


The property in southern suburb of Brisbane occupies a prime corner location on a 27,556m2 site comprised of a hotel, Dan Murphy’s liquor barn and BWS bottle shop. The property is on the corner of McCullough Street and Mains Road, Sunnybank, and is surrounded by major shopping centres (Sunnybank Plaza, Sunny Park and Market Square), a mix of retail and a range of residential homes.


The Sunnybank Hotel is leased to Australian Leisure and Hospitality Group Limited (ALH), the largest and most successful hotel operator in Australia. The lease terms include an initial term of 25 years from November 2003 to November 2028 plus four 10-year options.

Sunshine Investments International is currently exploring the joint development initiative with ALH. We are currently in negotiation with ALH with a view to reaching an in principle agreement with ALH regarding the draft development plan. 





Development Potential

Key development parameters (acceptable outcomes):

– Bldg height: 4 storeys. Greater heights could be achieved in the body of the site as long as the building heights are stepped down to adjoining residential development.


– Max Gross Floor Area (GFA): approximately 100,000 m2


– Max site cover: 90%,  i.e. the total gfa can be approximately 100,000m2 (27,556*90%*4)


– Min setbacks: As per the Centre or Mixed Use Code


– On-site parking requirement: 5bays/100m2 GFA


– Typical centre activities include function rooms, health care services, indoor sport & recreation, offices, shops, food and drink outlets, theatre, nightclub, karaoke bar, bank, travel agent, apartments, accommodation hotel, motel, child care centre, service retail outlets, service station/car wash.







该地块位于布里斯班南区著名的华人区Sunnybank区最热闹的McCullough St和Mains Rd十字路口四个角落中的一个。周围有Sunnybank Plaza, Sunny Park, Market Square等大型商场、餐馆、娱乐中心。






